Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Disney Movie T-shirt Quiz

This year at conference we did something fun.  On the back side of the conference t-shirt we put a diagnosis with a code and you had to guess the Disney movie that it described.  This was a big hit and everyone is asking for the answers.  So here they are......

Abuse of steroids or hormones (F55.3) Hercules
Food poisoning (T62.93XA) Snow White
Congenital malformation of nose (Q30.8) Pinocchio
Injured while dancing with Mop (Y93.41) Fantasia
Superficial foreign body (splinter) of right hand (S60.521A) Tarzan
Crushed by non-venomous snake (W59.13XA) Jungle Book
Kleptomania (F63.2) Aladdin
Lack of Caring - apathy (R45.3) Lion King
Narcolepsy (G47.419) Sleeping Beauty
Congenital kyphosis (Q76.413) Hunchback of Notre Dame
Gender identity disorder (F64.1) Mulan
Near-decapitation (S08.89XA) Alice in Wonderland
Marcrotia (Q17.1) Dumbo
Bone transplant status of legs (Z94.6) Little Mermaid
Spots of unknown etiology (L81.8)  101 Dalmations
Overworked; exhaustion (R53.83) Cinderella
Immature personality disorder (F60.89) Peter Pan
Hirsutism - excessive hair growth (L68.8) Tangled
Bitten by alligator (W58.01XA) Rescuers

Thanks for all of you that joined in on the fun of the contest.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Behind the scenes

Conference is coming together this year without a hitch. We need to thank the army of volunteers that make this event happen.  The Greater Orlando Local Chapter has been a tremendous help today at bag-stuffing.  They stuffed all 2,200 bags with flyers and goodies.  The Local Chapter Association Board also joined us for the fun at bag-stuffing helping the chapter conquer all the bags in two hours.

 Way to go everyone!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Walt says it best....

In the immortal words of Walt Disney, “You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world…but it requires people to make the dream a reality.” You are the people who make our conference a reality, THANK YOU! May this experience be as magical for you as it is for us.

Thank you! 
Melanie, Sandra and Amy
AAPC Conference Team

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Twitter Winners

Thanks to everyone that followed us on Twitter, this contest was a great success.  If you haven't already, follow us on twitter @AAPCstaff and watch for updates and highlights on the conference #aapccon!

The winners receive a bling t-shirt in the product store!  Come see Amy Evans at the General Information booth to receive your prize.

Winners are...drum roll please....

Randi Uelman
Davina Luciano
Melissa Smith
Robert Blakely
Sabrina Jones

Don't worry Robert - we will get you another prize, so you don't have to wear a woman's bling t-shirt.

Congratulations to all of you!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Leaving on a Jet Plane

It’s been a long, cold winter at AAPC central, but that’s about to be a thing of the past, because we’re outta here, conference team is leaving.…Orlando, here we come!!  Can’t wait to greet  you in sunny Florida, where we’ll share a few days of education, fun, and sun!  Please stop by – we’ve talked to so many of you, and would love to put a name with a face.  Safe travels – see you soon!

Melanie, Amy and Sandra