Tuesday, May 22, 2012


"It is hopeless for the occasional visitor to try to keep up with Chicago. She outgrows his prophecies faster than he can make them." - Mark Twain, 1883


Chicago, more specifically 'Pizzeria Uno", is said to be the birthplace of Deep Dish Pizza. City lore has it that a Texan named Ike Sewell created the dish at his bar and grill named Pizzeria Uno in 1943.

During the depression of the thirties, followed by the war years of the forties, Americans ate one-dish meals of "casseroles", easily procured ingredients that would satisfy the stomach, stretch the budget and not cost many ration coupons. Therefore, the more you could load onto a pizza crust, the better it would be, and doubtless a deep pan would be more like a casserole. Moreover, the crust would not need the fancy stretching and pushing, even tossing, that the traditional Italian thin pizza would require. The mozzarella cheese would be on the bottom and the crust and toppings would all bake and ooze together and become one of America's legacies to fast foods nationwide and waistwide!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Did you know...

The Great Chicago Fire
The summer of 1871 was very dry, leaving the ground parched and the wooden city vulnerable. On Sunday evening, October 8, 1871, just after nine o'clock, a fire broke out in the barn behind the home of Patrick and Catherine O'Leary at 13 DeKoven Street. How the fire started is still unknown today, but an O'Leary cow often gets the credit.

The firefighters, exhausted from fighting a large fire the day before, were first sent to the wrong neighborhood. When they finally arrived at the O'Leary's, they found the fire raging out of control. The blaze quickly spread east and north. Wooden houses, commercial and industrial buildings, and private mansions were all consumed in the blaze.

After two days, rain began to fall. On the morning of October 10, 1871, the fire died out, leaving complete devastation in the heart of the city. At least 300 people were dead, 100,000 people were homeless, and $200 million worth of property was destroyed. The entire central business district of Chicago was leveled. The fire was one of the most spectacular events of the nineteenth century, and it is recognized as a major milestone in the city's history.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Have you considered attending our ICD-10 Boot Camp while you’re in the Windy City?
Well, maybe you should, because apparently I-10 isn’t going anywhere anytime soon! This boot camp will give you the ‘kick in the pants’ you need to be ready from the get-go.
  • Where to Begin – Organizing the Implementation Effort
  • Understanding the Information Technology Impact
  • What Needs to Change – Assessing Other Key Areas of Impact
  • Identifying Documentation Challenges
  • Building Your ICD-10 Action Plan
  • Budgeting for ICD-10
  • Planning Training Approaches and Resources
  • Successfully Measuring Outcomes
  • Introduction to ICD-10 Coding – Crosswalks and Mapping
  • Hands-on Coding Exercises and Documentation Case Studies
  • Templates, Tools, and Resources + Course Manual and ICD-10-CM Book

Monday, May 7, 2012


SKYDECK CHICAGO (Located in the iconic Willis Tower -formerly Sears Tower)
Test your love of heights and step out onto The Ledge:  a collection of glass boxes extending 4 feet out from the side of the building, and giving you the chance to peer 1,300 feet straight down, or out at the entire city. We double-dog dare you!! 

When’s the last time you experienced a 50-acre playground? Don’t miss the view of Lake Michigan and the city while riding the 150-foot high Ferris wheel. Museums, restaurants, shops, activities, remote control boats, a miniature golf course, and much more await you on your visit to the Pier!

How many people can boast a trip on a river that flows backwards? Not many, because the only one in the world that exists is the Chicago River! Take a boat tour and explore Chicago’s amazing architectural wonders.  Bet your friends back home can’t top that! 

Make no mistake about it, Chicago is famous for its deep-dish pies, and Giordano’s is, well frankly, the best (at least we think so!) There are apparently 12 of them in Chicago alone, so find one – or find a different one, but the point is, don’t miss it!

Calling all popcorn lovers….if you love popcorn, you’ll looooove Garrett’s! For more than 60 years, they've been serving up their famous bits of corny deliciousness. Choose from the Chicago mix, caramel crisp, cheese, buttery, plain, almond, pecan, cashew, or macadamia nut. We’ll be there waiting in line – be sure to say ‘hi’!

Oprah may have coined the phrase, but it’s up to each of you to chart your way along the shops, restaurants, and entertainment treasures found along Chicago’s Magnificent Mile. This shopping adventure will be like no other – but pace yourself, no need to set a Personal Record on this mile!